She made her acting debut in 2006 with the Tamil movie Kalvanin Kadhali opposite actor-director S. J. Surya. After that, she ventured into Bollywood with Ram Gopal Varma's Nishabd. She also appeared in the Shahid Kapoor-starrer Paathshaala. She simultaneously ventured into the Telugu industry and did substantial roles in films like Godava, opposite Vaibhav Reddy, Kothi Muka and Romeo. She also performed in Tamil cinema in Kalvanin Kadhali. She has also done two Kannada movies and a Malayalam movie.In 2011, Arya made her television debut with the Indian soap opera Main Lakshmi Tere Aangan Ki. Her breakthrough performance came in the role of Paakhi in Life OK's Tumhari Pakhi. She further rose to prominence with the role of Ayesha in Dream Girl - Ek Ladki Deewani Si.
Riwayat Tamil Movies
Her next release was the crime Satya, for which she received another Filmfare Best Actress nomination. The film was received favourably by critics and was a huge hit at the box office, solidifying Matondkar's position as a leading lady of Bollywood.[37][38] Satya was on CNN-IBN's 2013 list of the 100 greatest Indian films of all time,[39] in the 100 Filmfare Days series and on the "70 iconic movies of independent India" list.[40][41] It was mentioned in Rachel Dwyer's 100 Bollywood Films (where she called it a "masterpiece"), and in critic and author Shubhra Gupta's 50 Films That Changed Bollywood, 1995-2015.[42][43] 2ff7e9595c